Election Year 2024: What It Means for Healthcare Policy and Pharmaceutical Pricing

Jul 1, 2024

The 2024 U.S. presidential election is set to have profound implications on healthcare policy and pharmaceutical pricing, issues that are central to the agendas of major political candidates. With healthcare consistently ranking as a top concern for voters, the outcomes of this election could lead to significant shifts in policy, impacting everything from drug prices to insurance coverage.


Potential Policy Shifts

Historically, presidential elections have served as pivotal moments for shaping healthcare policy. For instance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enacted under President Obama and the subsequent attempts to modify or repeal it under President Trump highlight how a presidential term can influence healthcare direction. In 2024, key issues at stake include the potential expansion or retraction of the ACA, Medicaid expansion, and the ongoing debate over Medicare for All.

Each candidate’s platform proposes different methods for reducing pharmaceutical prices. Some advocate for more direct government negotiation of drug prices, while others support the removal of regulatory barriers to increase competition and drive down costs.

Impact on Pharmaceutical Pricing

The pharmaceutical industry often faces uncertainty in election years, and 2024 is no exception. Proposals ranging from imposing price caps on drugs to promoting generic and biosimilar products could reshape the market landscape. For example, the push for broader adoption of biosimilars could be accelerated by favorable policies from a new administration aiming to reduce healthcare spending.

Legislation that allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies could lead to lower prices but might also impact the profitability of the pharma sector. Such policies have been discussed in various capacities, and their potential implementation will depend heavily on the election outcomes.

The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are likely to be significantly impacted by changes in healthcare policy post-election. Regulatory scrutiny on PBMs has been increasing, with concerns about transparency and the role they play in setting drug prices. Election results could either heighten this scrutiny or favor policies that might relax certain regulations, depending on the prevailing political winds.

Healthcare Industry Response

The healthcare industry, including insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and PBMs, must prepare for multiple scenarios. Strategic planning involves forecasting policy changes and preparing for regulatory adjustments. Companies are increasingly engaging in advocacy and educational efforts to influence policy in ways that could benefit the industry while ensuring patient access to affordable medications.


As the 2024 election approaches, stakeholders in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are advised to stay informed and be adaptable. The potential for significant policy change makes it crucial for these stakeholders to understand the implications of different election outcomes and prepare accordingly. At Abarca, we are closely monitoring these developments, recognizing that they hold the key to our strategic operations and alignment with future healthcare policies. We are committed to adapting our practices to ensure that we continue to provide seamless and personalized healthcare solutions, driven by smarter technology and a straightforward approach to business. Our mission is to innovate and find better ways in everything we do, advancing healthcare for the communities we serve.