For the second edition of their Better Care Community Program (BCCP), Abarca Health announced the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (DRIF) as one of the 2021 beneficiaries of the program. Now in its second year, this philanthropic initiative provides health-related charities in Puerto Rico and now, Florida with financial and volunteer support. This is the first Florida-based organization to be selected by the Better Care Community Program.
Abarca will provide the DRIF with a financial grant to continue support for the Poseidon Clinical Trial, which is testing the impact of two common supplements on stopping or delaying the progression of diabetes.
“The Better Care Community Program was created to support organizations that are working to change and improve the healthcare experience for the people they serve,” said Adriana Ramirez, Abarca’s Chief Operating Officer. “The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation embodies that mission—and is running an innovative clinical trial that could impact our understanding of diabetes nationwide.”

Tony Perez, Clinical Pharmacist for Abarca and University of Miami alumnus, was one of the many Abarcans that recommended DRIF as one of the Better Care Community Program recipients. The recommendation was based on the prevalence of diabetes, his knowledge of the organization, and DRIF’s impact on finding a cure and supporting fellow community members who have been diagnosed with this disease.
“As a native Floridian and a fourth-generation diabetic, I am honored that Abarca has selected the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation as their first Florida-based non-profit recipient,” said Sean Kramer, Chief Executive Officer for the DRIF. “Through the Better Care Community Program, the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation benefits not only from monetary support of one of our most critical clinical trials but also by creating a partnership between our respective employees, which furthers awareness and outreach of our vision of a world without diabetes.”
The DRIF was established to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to find a cure for diabetes. Recognized as one of the world’s most respected diabetes organizations, the DRIF has grown into an international coalition of business leaders, celebrities, scientists, clinicians, families, and other concerned individuals who have elevated the importance of cure-focused research and provided meaningful support for the Institute’s multidisciplinary research program.
About the Diabetes Research Institute and Foundation The mission of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to cure diabetes now. The Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine leads the world in cure-focused research. As one of the largest and most comprehensive research centers dedicated to curing diabetes, the DRI aggressively develops a biological cure by restoring natural insulin production and normalizing blood sugar levels without imposing other risks. Researchers have already shown that transplanted islet cells allow patients to live without the need for insulin therapy. Some study participants have maintained insulin independence for more than 10 years. The DRI is now building upon these promising outcomes through its BioHub strategy, a multidisciplinary, three-pronged approach for addressing the major challenges that stand in the way of a cure: eliminate the need for anti-rejection drugs, reset the immune system to block autoimmunity, and develop an unlimited supply of insulin-producing cells. For more information, please visit or call 800-321-3437.