From preparing prescriptions to driving health outcomes: Evolving the role of pharmacies

Aug 28, 2024

In the minds of many consumers, the role of pharmacists has long been confined to filling prescriptions. Thankfully, that overly simplistic view is changing and pharmacists are finally being recognized for their potential to make a larger impact. 

During the height of the pandemic, pharmacists made immeasurable contributions by administering COVID vaccines and other immunizations. And Walgreens recently shared its intention to broaden the scope of practice for its 26,000+ pharmacists.

This trend has continued. In 2023 alone, 180 bills related to pharmacist scope of practice, payment for pharmacist-provided patient care services, and/or the designation of pharmacists as providers were introduced in 43 states. 

Now, it is time for the industry at-large to come together to advance the pharmacy evolution and empower pharmacists to become service providers and meaningful contributors to member health outcomes and experience. This can include:

  • Patient education. Pharmacists often see patients more regularly than other providers, and they are uniquely positioned to provide education on medications, prevention, wellness, and other health-related topics. 
  • Advancing health equity. Many social determinants of health (SDOH) can be better addressed by expanding pharmacy teams to include community health workers. 
  • Medication optimization. From Comprehensive Medication Reviews to adherence consultations and targeted medication reviews, pharmacists can provide a number of services to ensure members are optimizing and adhering to their medications. 
  • Transition of care. Pharmacists have the insights necessary to ensure a smooth transition of care, including helping with medication reconciliation and providing interventions when necessary. 

The future of healthcare is being determined now–and pharmacists are in a unique position to make it more personalized, seamless and affordable than ever before. 


This blog is based on an Abarca Forward 2024 session.