Evolving PBM Regulations: Navigating Changes in Pharmacy Practices

Jun 19, 2024

In the rapidly transforming world of Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM), staying ahead means embracing innovation and change. This was vividly underscored at the recent Abarca Forward 2024 event, where industry leaders convened to discuss the future of healthcare and the pivotal role of PBMs. Here’s how these insights can guide us in navigating the shifting landscape.


The Crucial Role of AI and Collaborative Innovation

At Abarca Forward 2024, the spotlight was on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in healthcare. As Bertil Chappuis, CEO at Xtillion, remarked, “AI is an existential opportunity and threat to every organization in healthcare, and now is the time to act.” The event showcased how AI could enhance patient and provider experiences, streamline operations, and ensure compliance with new regulations.

A notable highlight was a co-creation session led by Microsoft and Xtillion, where attendees experienced the capabilities of AI in real time. Andy Kaplan, Country Manager for Microsoft Puerto Rico, emphasized, “From enhancing patient experiences to improving cost management, the transformative power of AI in healthcare is immense.”


Addressing Regulatory and Workforce Challenges

The regulatory landscape is another critical area of focus. John Colaizzi Jr., vice president of pharmacy practice at Walgreens, shared insights into the challenges posed by diverse regulations across jurisdictions. “Pharmacy is by far the most regulated medical profession,” he stated, highlighting the complexities of adapting to various state laws.

Moreover, workforce shortages remain a significant concern. The number of pharmacists has decreased by about 35% since 2018, a trend threatening the industry’s capacity to meet growing demands. Colaizzi underscored the urgency of the situation, “If something isn’t done, that’s a public health crisis.”

Embracing Price Transparency and Value-Based Models

A central theme at Abarca Forward was the need for price transparency and value-based care models. Alison Lum, VP of Pharmacy Services at Blue Shield of California, advocated for bold thinking to accelerate transformation. “To deliver seamless and personalized care…the healthcare industry needs to embrace change and think boldly about the future,” she said.

The discussions also touched on the evolving role of pharmacies and the impact of medications like GLP-1s, underscoring the need for clear pricing models that align with patient outcomes.

Fostering Change and Creating Value

As we navigate these changes, the insights from Abarca Forward 2024 offer a roadmap for integrating new technologies, adapting to regulatory pressures, and addressing workforce challenges. The event itself, described by Jason Borschow, president and CEO of Abarca, as a platform for solving key issues in healthcare, sets the tone for our ongoing efforts. “The industry needs to find ways to accelerate progress and make healthcare more seamless, personalized, and convenient for everyone,” Borschow stated.

The insights from Abarca Forward 2024 highlight that the future of PBMs and the broader healthcare sector hinges on our ability to adapt to technological advancements, regulatory changes, and workforce dynamics. By embracing AI, fostering transparency, and shifting towards value-based models, we can lead the way in transforming pharmacy practices for a healthier tomorrow.

As we continue to innovate and find better ways in everything we do, remember that at Abarca, we see a future where healthcare is seamless and personalized. Every day, we work to make this a reality for the people and organizations we serve, starting with prescriptions but aiming much broader to enable a healthcare revolution.