Digital Therapeutics: Leveraging Technology for Evidence-Based Medical Interventions

Sep 12, 2024

Technology has found its way into every aspect of our lives–perhaps none more important than in healthcare. In a time where this is emphatically true, Digital Therapeutics (DTx) have surfaced as a transformative way of managing and treating many of the medical conditions that affect our communities today. These software-driven solutions offer personalized and evidence-based interventions that can be used both independently as well as combined with traditional therapies. As the healthcare landscape evolves, Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are uniquely positioned to integrate Digital Therapeutics into their services. By aligning incentives with client interests—rather than focusing solely on vertical integration—PBMs can maximize the value they deliver to patients and healthcare providers.

Digital Therapeutics are fundamentally designed to deliver medical interventions directly to patients through digital platforms like mobile apps or web-based programs. These interventions are often targeted at managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and mental health disorders. The main characteristic that sets DTx apart is its rigorous evidence base, being that these digital solutions are subjected to clinical trials, they ensure that they meet the same standards of efficacy and safety as traditional medications.

According to a 2024 report from the Digital Therapeutics Alliance, the market for DTx is expected to grow significantly, with more healthcare providers and payers recognizing the potential of these solutions to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs​ (ASHP). As DTx becomes more part of the mainstream, PBMs have a critical role to play in ensuring these interventions are accessible and effectively integrated into patient care plans.

Historically, some PBMs have pursued vertical integration strategies, combining multiple facets of the healthcare supply chain under one umbrella. While this approach can offer certain efficiencies, there is increasing recognition that aligning PBM incentives with the specific goals of their clients—such as improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and enhancing patient engagement—can deliver even greater value.

By focusing on client-centric strategies, PBMs can leverage Digital Therapeutics to enhance the overall quality of healthcare. For example, PBMs can collaborate with healthcare providers and payers to ensure that DTx solutions are included in formularies and reimbursed appropriately. This approach not only supports the practice of effective, evidence-based interventions but also aligns with the big-picture goals of improving patient health and optimizing resource utilization.

As Digital Therapeutics continue to gain traction, PBMs have an unprecedented opportunity to redefine their role in the healthcare ecosystem. Abarca, for instance, is constantly moving the needle in revolutionizing healthcare. By aligning incentives with client interests and focusing on the integration of evidence-based DTx solutions, PBMs can help drive the next wave of innovation in patient care. This approach not only enhances the value PBMs deliver but also ensures that patients receive the most effective and personalized interventions available.

For more insights into how Abarca is leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery, visit our blog here.